Friday, 11 July 2014


According to me life is very interesting, but also depends on person how anyone treats it in their own way. It giving us motive of living in this world, like there are some people around the world who think that there is reason for which everybody born. If you will think like this then you can live life with great enthusiasm. If you will try to enjoy the each and every moment of life then you can say that you are living in correct way. Otherwise you are just passing the time. For this you can do whats your heart say not your mind, then you can enjoy this precious life.
Meaning of life

Here I want to give some necessary facts of life, specially for human life. Human life is very much precious than all of others like animals, birds etc. After along time we are coming to this life, so there is no reason for real human being to waste it out. You have to understand the fact why you come on this palnet(earth). An important can explain it with quality that if anybody believes in “God” then its very easy to understand the fact of life’s importance. If god give us life then its our responsibility that we have to live it  for a purpose 
don’t waste it.

You can’t take it in one mood or in just one fact only. There are several stages comes and goes in our life like Happiness, Sadness, Serious and many more. But we have to make balance of all of them in equal amount, because with that we can go through out the whole life in right direction. If there are sad moments in your life then don’t give up at that time , just remember that time will surely be passed and other thing will take its place and happy moments will come into life. So we all have to make balance in our life and try to be positive as much as possible. Give respect to elders and love to kids, youngers then see you will be succeed in your life in correct manner.

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